• Occupation area


Licensing and Environmental Studies

PROSUL has extensive experience in the production of environmental licensing component studies, in line with its principles and committed to the development and improvement of effective methods and techniques for measuring, identifying, analyzing, mitigating and preventing impacts on the environment and society.

In this segment, we highlight the Environmental Impact Studies (EIA) and its Environmental Impact Report (RIMA), Simplified Environmental Study (EAS), Environmental Compliance Study (ECA), Economic, Technical and Environmental Feasibility Study (EVTEA) , Simplified Environmental Report (RAS), Prior Environmental Report (RAP), among others.

Environmental Management and Implementation of Environmental Programs

PROSUL carries out activities of environmental management of enterprises, ensuring compliance with environmental legislation, sustainable practices of control and mitigation of environmental impacts that aim at the preservation of the environment, in the physical, biotic and socioeconomic aspects.

Environmental management aims to establish an effective environmental management system during the implementation of the project, capable of honoring the environmental commitments assumed during the entire process of prior licensing and installation. E prioritizes compliance with the deadlines and conditions established by the environmental control and control agencies to obtain the operating licenses.

Implementation of environmental programs

During the execution of the environmental programs, PROSUL seeks to ensure that all the guidelines and targets established in the Basic Environmental Plan and / or the Environmental Programs Report are executed in compliance with the federal, state and municipal laws applicable to the enterprise, as well as ensure that all the conditions set out in the licensing process that have a direct link with the environmental programs are met within the deadlines.

Relatório de Impacto Ambiental - RIMA




Institutional follow-up for the prior environmental licensing, installation, operation and authorization for suppression of vegetation in federal, state and municipal environmental agencies, according to the framework of the enterprise;

Institutional follow-up in IBAMA, IPHAN, FUNAI, Palmares Foundation, ICMBio, INCRA, DNPM, among other direct and indirect intervening organs of the licensing process;

Elaboration of Environmental Impact Study (EIA) and Impact Report to the Environment (RIMA), Simplified Environmental Study (EAS), Simplified Environmental Report (RAS), Environmental Control Report (RCA);

Forest Inventory and Forest Management Plan;

Basic Environmental Plan (PBA) and Detailed Report of Environmental Programs (RDPA);

Implementation of Environmental Plans and Programs;

Environmental Risk Analysis and Contingency Plan;

Ethno-Ecological Anthropological Studies;

Environmental monitoring;

Archaeological Prospecting;

Historical and Archaeological Salvage and Rescue;


Environmental Education and Social Communication;

Socio-environmental Conflict Management;

Supervision and Environmental Management of Works;

Management and Zoning Plan for Conservation Units; and

Environmental Plans for Conservation and Use of the Reservoir Environment.